Property Location

F.E. Zuellig Avenue, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines


Mandani Bay Suites gets 5-star BERDE rating

Mandani Bay Suites, the first phase of the Mandani Bay waterfront township development, has recently received a 5-STAR Building for Ecologically Responsive Design (BERDE) rating from the Philippine Green Building Council (PHILGBC).

This after a team from PHILGBC conducted a Stage 2 (Construction) Assessment of the completed Mandani Bay Suites towers early this month. Prior to this, Mandani Bay Suites received a 4-star BERDE rating during its Stage 1 (Design) Assessment in 2018.

Mandani Bay Suites’ 5-star BERDE rating is the highest and is the first in the VisMin region, solidifying the development’s adherence to world-class standards in green building.

“This recognition is a testament to Mandani Bay’s promise of world-class transformation in Cebu. It is a huge milestone that shows our commitment in taking care of our residents and the environment,” said HTLand Project Director Gilbert Ang.

Mandani Bay Suites scored high in many of the areas assessed. It had perfect scores in management, materials, waste, and indoor environment quality. Perfect scores in these areas indicate excellent security with the use of Visitor Management System and other safety features; use of materials and technologies contributing to environmental conservation; proper waste management plan; exceptional indoor air quality with use of proper ventilation and UV devices, and access to natural lighting.

The project’s protection and improvement of ecological features with its well vegetated amenity deck and interconnected foot bridges and tunnels have also been affirmed by the BERDE accreditation as it scored high in land use ecology and innovation. High scores were also attained in water and energy efficiency and conservation, emissions, and transportation.

Established by PHILGBC as a response to the Philippine building industry’s need to proactively address the negative impacts of climate change, BERDE measures how a building performs above and beyond existing national and local building and environmental laws, regulations, and mandatory standards.



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